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Abundance and Kingdom Economy BLOG

02 May 2020 11:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

What is the abundance economy like?

How do the scriptures describe the "New " Kingdom or the return to the old Kingdom before the fallen state in the Garden of Eden? 

Is this available according to the scriptures for those who accept and honour/believe Jesus recovered it for us?

As we believe the scriptures that indicate  God owns everything, He created and has given His son Jesus everything and through Him to us, then this would most likely be abundance (creation by abundance).

Where He can then give us anything He wants to and we can use it for His glory!

Stan Jeffery 2 May 2020 


From the feedback I have already received I am starting to outline chapter topics for contributions for "The Rise of the Abundance Economy".

1. The Nature of Abundance

2.The Principles of Abundance

3. Abundance Conscience

4. Abundance Relationships

5.Abundance Observations and Revelations

6. Abundance Business Models

7. Abundance Economics

As we use the Blog and Forum on the New Kingdom Global website to gather and collect contributions and observations in May and June, I believe these will begin to fill out and others may become visible.

Gary Sorensen 2 May 2020


  • 03 May 2020 12:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Thank you for expressing your interest in being a possible contributor to a collaborative collection that I am gathering and editing under the working title "The Rise of the Abundance Economy." Although I have been studying the Abundance-based Kingdom Realm for several years now it has only been in recent months that the Lord impressed me to begin to chronicle the impact that the Kingdom Age will have on Kingdom-based businesses.

    I will be presenting questions and topics of discussion for you to respond to, gather and review your responses and then iterate new queries to those who respond and contribute.

    As a matter of formatting, I would ask that you use a Word or Copy & Paste format that I can use to enable easy collection and editing. Please indicate your name, hometown & country of residence, use quotation marks to identify literal words or descriptive visions/dreams, use bold print to designate your interpretation of what you are thinking, hearing, seeing or sensing.
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